
Surya Namaskar Group

Practice, Preparation, Progress

Join our online Surya Namaskar group for daily practice and guidance. Improve your technique, track your progress, and connect with like-minded practitioners.

Hello friends, we are happy to inform that Akhil Bhartiya Yoga Mahasangh, jaipur, rajasthan has formed 108 Surya Namaskar groups.

Under which Surya Namaskar classes will be organized online throughout the year across India. Which includes sequential practice of Surya Namaskar steps, practice of Puraka-Rechak-Kumbhaka along with Surya Namaskar, practice of Mantra Shakti along with practice of Tribandho (Mulabandha - Uddiyan - Jalandhar). Along with this, various types of technical stretching exercises will also be explained to improve Surya Namaskar. Along with this, various competitions of Surya Namaskar organized by Akhil Bhartiya Yoga Mahasangh, especially All India ABYM Suryanamaskar Championship.The participants in Suryanamaskar Championship will also be selected from this group, outsiders will not get entry.

When you join this group you will get even more benefits.

Note: Only interested students can join this private group.

Join Surya Namaskar Group
Join Surya Namaskar Group
Join Surya Namaskar Group
Join Surya Namaskar Group

Donate to join the group

Minimum Donation Amount


Class will be conducted

Every Saturday & Sunday

For 3+1 Months

(September to December)

Benefits of joining

  • Regular Practice..

  • Warms Up Your Whole Body..

  • Raises Your Heart Rate..

  • Tones Muscles..

  • Improves Flexibility..

  • Boosts Your Immune System..

  • Motivates You to Practice..

  • Integrates Breath and Movement..

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety..

  • Helps with weight loss..

  • Strengthens muscles and joints..

  • Ensures regular menstrual cycle..

  • Helps combat insomnia..

  • Improve flexibility, strength, and overall fitness..

  • Increase physical and mental balance..

First step

Fill your Register form

Second step

Donate to join the group

Third step

Send your donation receipt on WhatsApp

Join Surya Namaskar Group
Join Surya Namaskar Group

Donate and share receipt in WhatsApp Surya Namaskar Group.

Register Form